This California native is noteworthy for its exquisite salmon-colored tubular flowers and silvery foliage. Soft and slender blue-gray leaves lightly clothe this low growing, densely clumping sub-shrub. Erect stems reach a modest foot high but can spread to easily cover a 3 foot wide area. The tubular 2” long flowers are hummingbird magnets and given this variety's extra-long bloom season – early summer to late fall - this is a wonderful pollinator plant for a sunny bed. Add in its drought tolerance, exceptionally pretty flowers, low maintenance and cold hardiness and you have a tough and long lasting performer. Ideal for spilling over a low wall, growing next to wrought iron railing or for use as a high ground cover Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Best grown in the ground so it can spread out. Cut back to 4” high in late winter to promote bushy spring growth. Not favored by deer. Hardy to 10 degrees F.