Hardy Fuchsia
This beautiful fuchsia from the Dan Hinkley collection breaks all the rules. Its small, slender flowers are a pure white with just a hint of green at the tips, they appear in great numbers on 4'x4' shrub-like plants, they don't mind the sun where temperatures aren't too high, and they stay evergreen in the frost free zones of our Bay Area. Plants grow quickly, comprised of small dark green leaves, then burst into bloom come early summer. The dangling 1” flowers are particularly favored by hummingbirds and continue to appear until late fall. Much hardier than many hybrid fuchsias, and not prone to the Brazilian fuchsia mite, this lovely variety is perfect in a sunny or bright shade spot where you want to add a touch of dazzling white. Ideal for featuring in a container. Plant in fertile, lightly acidic soil in sun to bright shade. Come late winter, prune branches back to the last buds on the recent year's new growth. GALL MITE RESISTANT!