About Us
We grow all our plants on-site from seeds, plugs, or our own cuttings, right here in the San Francisco Bay Area. We do not use genetically modified or engineered seeds and we do not apply growth hormones or use systemic pesticides. Although we are not certified organic, we have worked to research and implement the least toxic, organic, or naturally occurring alternative to manage pests and fungus. We have adopted a “bee-friendly” program and do not use any Neonicotinoids associated with colony collapse disorder. We report to and are inspected by our county agricultural department weekly and are in accordance with all of their rigorous guidelines.

From humble beginnings as a backyard hobby over 20 years ago, "Annie's" has evolved into a 3-acre "growing"
here in Richmond, CA
(across the Bay from San Francisco). We provide plants to about 20independent retail nurseries
and open our doors forretail shopping
here at the mothership, 9-5, 7 DAYS a week! For fellow Plant-a-Holics living far away, we also offer our plants through our website.
Here at "Annie's," we grow most of our plants the old-fashioned way - from seed - in the wind, rain, and sun (no greenhouses), so your plants are already "hardened off," healthy and strong when you take them home. All of our plants are grown in 4" pots without the use of growth-regulating hormones, commonly sprayed on almost all annuals and most perennials by large-scale growers. These growth regulators slow plant growth and extend "shelf life" but can lead to disappointing results in our gardens.

We select the plants we grow not only for their beauty and/or fragrance, but most often for the natural grace and charm they add to our gardens (so often missing in modern hybrids found at "big box" garden centers). We are quite partial to
cottage garden annuals and perennials
that grow taller than the increasing number of "squatty" modern hybrids.
We love plants that grow as Mother Nature intended, adding height and movement to the garden, plants that sway with the breeze. We also love the old-fashioned annuals because they self-sow so easily (again, unlike modern hybrids), delighting us with lots of free plants each year, along with the serendipitous and surprising flowering combinations they provide.

We are so fortunate to be located in USDA zone 10, Sunset zone 17, for we are able to grow a vast number of plant varieties from both warm and cold climates. Along with offering an amazing number of
garden treasures
, we also specialize in Mediterranean climate varieties from around the world, including wondrousSouth African annuals
,perennials and shrubs
.We are thrilled to offer one of the largest selections of
California native annual wildflowers
andnative perennials
available anywhere. Here at "Annie's," ourannual wildflowers
are so near and dear to our hearts, we encourage you to try them even if you live at a great distance. They are so easy, pretty and well . so charming!
Thank you for checking us out!
Happy Gardening!