Like the Dreamsicles we used to go crazy over back when I was a kid, ‘Apricot Chiffon’ California poppies are deliciously gorgeous anywhere! Single to semi-double 2.5” peachy blooms suffused with apricot and a touch of rose, appear in profusion above a soft, ferny mound of foliage. Plant it with Penstemon heterophyllus 'Blue Springs' or Nemophila menziesii Baby Blue Eyes for a heart-melting springtime combination. Flowering for up to 2 months, just snip it back to 4” for a second flush of bloom. To 14” x 14”. Once established they need little water. To maintain as a perennial, avoid watering once leaves begin to dry out. Cut back dead growth to the ground once you see a flush of new growth. Will easily self-sow if plants are left in place.