SUMMER BLOOMING! Yes, now you can have your bright & cheery poppies all thru Summer, from June until August! Very similar in appearance to the ‘Wonderland Series’, these bloom extra-abundantly, as they are sterile & don’t put energy into producing seed. FRAGRANT 3-4" wide blooms are held upright on 15" stems growing from low, compact foliage to 1’ across – they’re so fresh & Springy in the front of a bed, or in a container. Flower color varies from white, to yellow, to orange. All are very pretty with showy yellow centers. Absolutely lovely with bright blue Delphiniums or gentian blue Anagallis monellii & Alonsoa meridionalis ‘Red’. Short lived in mild Winters like ours, but can overwinter in USDA zones 3-8.