Everything about this colorful mallow is perfect, from the dramatic wine-red splashes on pale pink petals, to its drought tolerance and its ready ability to self-seed. Add in that it's one of the host plants for the Painted Lady butterfly and blooms nonstop from mid-summer to late fall and you have one of nature's wonder plants. This hollyhock relative first produces rich green, textured palmate leaves on 3' high plants, then come summer, branch tips sprout an endless number of 2-3” wavy, five-petaled blooms, drawing attention from bees, butterflies and passersby. Undeterred by the heat, this sun lover responds to warmth and a bit of regular water. Though it may act as a short-lived perennial, it will readily produce babies for future years. Its bright foliage and flowers are a perfect complement to the softer grayish-greens of many Salvias. Not fussy about soil but does need good drainage.
Curious Plantsman