This surprisingly colorful member of the Honeymoon series features single form yellow flowers with prominent burgundy blotches on each petal. Six inch high foliage is a bright green, providing an effective contrast. Come early spring, plants send up individual stems topped with large (3”) five-petaled flowers, each offset with a green center and golden stamens. Flowering continues for several months. This selection from famed Hellebore breeder Hans Hansen is perfect for naturalizing in shady woodland beds. Flowers add a bit of viola-like pizzazz to beds of shade-loving Columbines, Sweet Woodruff and ferns. Plant in humus-rich soil in light to full shade. Water to establish. Mature plants can handle less water. Prune off old leaves in late fall to make way for new growth. Cold hardy, adaptable to different soils and deer resistant.
Curious Plantsman