Totally tantalizing for its high fidelity contrasting petals, we were bewitched by this new and exciting Pelargonium Australia Mystery. Striking, pure white lower petals and intense crimson-purple uppers create a stunning display of 2" blooms from top to bottom on a dense, compact foliar mound to 2' across. Blooming from summer till fall, they're best at the front of a bed (we planted ours in the foreground of deep purple leaved Ageratum corymbosum for extra thrills! EASY as pie, this Martha Washington type Pelargonium makes for one of the best patio pot plants (at least 10" across) – just pinch back occasionally to keep it compact. Well drained soil and a twice a year side-dress of compost or feeding will keep it a happy bloomer. Evergreen and long lived, protect from frost.