Both the deep green, spear-shaped leaves and tiny pinkish-white flowers are fantastically aromatic - this bushy, wonderful-smelling herb makes a great tea or seasoning, plus it’s known for having anti-oxidant properties and the fresh, minty aroma creates a calm state of mind! Growing to 18” tall by 4’ wide, it can spread far and wide via tubers, so it’s a perfect choice for a container or a restricted bed. Birds, bees and butterflies can’t stay away from this long-blooming (from mid-Summer thru mid-Fall) beauty, deadhead regularly to extend blooms and to maintain a compact form. Will do best in full sun, but does just fine in part shade - provide regular water in well-draining soil and you’ll have mint juleps all through the hot months! Cut it back in Winter - it will come back stronger than ever in Spring.