Bold variegation adds brilliance to the garden! Much loved since its introduction in the early 1900’s, ‘Savitzii’ is remarkable for its highly contrasty cream and green leaves, fast rate of growth and larger-than-average 3” long orangey-pink flowers. Evergreen and almost ever-blooming in frost-free zones where it can easily reach 10’ tall and 8’ wide in just the first few years. In cold Winter areas, it makes an excellent container specimen (10 gal.+) that over-winters beautifully indoors – thus it’s common name of “Parlor Maple”. When grown in a pot it remains much smaller, usually topping out at 5’ tall and 3’ wide. Prefers rich, well-draining soil. Fertilize regularly for best show. Attracts hummers, bees, and butterflies, but not deer!