Developed by world-renowned breeder Dr. Keith Hammett, April in Paris exhibits the most intense perfume of any sweet pea! This Grandiflora cultivar has large ruffled blossoms that are a lovely ivory-cream, flushed dark lilac on the edges. Born on strong growing vines, the endless stream of long-stemmed flowers just beg to be cut for heavenly scented bouquets. Vigorous and not as prone to powdery mildew, this selection is perfect for spicing up a sunny arbor, wooden fence or wrought iron railing. Bees and hummingbirds find the flowers just as irresistible so place this sweet pea where it can be easily seen and imbibed. This vine grows quickly to 6-8' tall and requires little care. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in sun to light shade. Deadheading prolongs blooming. May reseed.
Curious Plantsman