Photo courtesy of Sean A. O'Hara |
10 Bulb per Bag
*Bulb size varies, Size does not affect viability*
An oh-so-fragrant “Daffodil” with dazzling white petals and a small, tangerine-hued, ruffled cup that really pops! Each 16” tall stem has up to six 2.5” flowers, so even a few of these 1930’s heirloom bulbs can create an eye-catching display. A great addition to any sunny bed or container. Naturalizes in even the most temperate zone garden. Bloom season depends on when the Spring rains and warm-up begin, but usually commences in early March or April. Once finished, leave greenery to wither on its own (tie it up to keep it tidy if you like) in order to ensure an even more impressive show the following year. Plant 4-5” apart in loose, well-drained soil. Provide ample water during growing season, but needs no additional Summer water during dormancy. Deer and gopher resistant.