This California native is one of the toughest, prettiest and hardiest ground covers going. Found in moist shaded forests from British Columbia to northern California, thisevergreen,rhizomatous perennial has become a go-to plant for gardeners seeking a tenacious and lovelygroundcover for shade or part shadelocations. Long rhizomes sprout glossy, dark green 3” reniform (kidney or heart-shaped) leaves that exude a spicy,ginger-and-citrus fragrancewhen crushed. Low (4-8”) and spreading out to 3’ in dense mats, this is the ideal understory plant. During Summer, it produces unique, reddish-brown 2” flowers that terminate in three gracefully curved lobes. This wild ginger can tolerateclay soilsand shallow beds, making it among a handful of plants to successfully establish under trees with lateral roots. Though it will tolerate drier conditions, a bit of regular water will maintain a lush appearance. Hardy down to 10°F.