If you love Zinnias in your summer garden and you haven’t tried Benary’s Giants, you’re missing out! Healthy, mildew resistant, extra-multi-branching and extra-long blooming, huge double blooms are 6” across! What’s more, they’re not dwarfed, with a great 3’ x 2’ size – so yay! – they’re properly enchanting in the garden. How can you resist this sexy deep magenta color – impossible! Combine it with ‘Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose’, Agastache ‘Blue Boa’, Centaurea cyanus ‘Blue Diadem’ “Bachelor Buttons” and Nicotiana alata ‘Lime Green’ for an awesome “bloom at the same time” summer garden. Blooming for several months at least – cut those spent blooms or cut them for a vase. Do make sure you grow them in compost-enhanced soil in the garden or in a large container (15+ gal). Butterflies and bees! Deer resistant.