Fuzzy wuzzy Salvia puberula, often referred to as “tarantula sage,” is soft and cuddly all over. Pubescence, or soft hairs cover the leaves, stems and even parts of the bloom on this hug-able sage. Blooming Fall through Winter, it’s blanketed with clusters of 1”, bright magenta, double lipped flowers. The upper lips are covered with glimmering magenta hairs! Native to Mexico, it’s sadly rarely seen in the wild. Salvia puberula likes to grow close to other trees and shrubs for protection from wind and sun. Large, 4” long, pea-green, heart-shaped leaves contrast fabulously with smaller leaved plants. Likes well drained soil and a deep water every 1-2 weeks. To 3-5’ high and 3’ wide. Hardy to 20 degrees F.