An outstanding scented geranium that exudes a refreshing lemony scent when the leaves are crushed. It’s vibrant chartreuse-green tones and lacy texture make this an outstanding plant for foliage. It’s perfect potted up and featured on your patio, front doorstep or anywhere family and visitors can enjoy its intoxicating scent as they brush by. Clusters of 1” pinkish-lavender flowers, each highlighted with red brush marks on the top petals bloom in Summer. Occasionally pinch the stems for a bushy form to 20-24” high and 12-18” wide. The fragrant leaves can be used in teas or cut whole branches for bouquets – it’ll bounce back quickly! Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. It is generally hardy and disease free if given good air circulation and not over-watered. In zones 8b or colder, take indoors during Winter or grow as an annual. Protect from a hard frost. Butterflies yes, deer no!