Such a beautiful and shall we say “provocative” variant of Clianthus puniceus. This exotic, erotic member of the pea family grows quickly into a densely branched evergreen 4’ x 4’ shrub with lush, arching branches and handsome, glossy, almost leathery, pinnate leaves. For 2-3 months in Spring into Summer, you’ll so relish these amazing 3” long two-toned pink and magenta flowers – displayed 8-10 per cluster – that you’ll want all your friends to come see your ‘Pink Flamingos”. Now, you may think that exotic = difficult, but not in this case! It’s FAST, EASY and a prolific bloomer grown in rich, compost-improved soil with an annual 1” side-dress of compost in early Spring. Drought tolerant, though ours are fabulous with average water.