Even when nothing else is blooming in your garden you’ll still be a happy gardener with this AWESOME, highly DISEASE RESISTANT and fabulously long blooming hardy shrub rose. Fast growing with pretty glossy (bug repelling) foliage you’ll get a dense mound of prolific continuous bloom from SPRING thru FALL. 1.5” to 2.5” in size, the single slightly cupped shaped blooms sport a white eye for extra old-fashioned charm. Evergreen in mild climates like ours and can reach 5'x5’ with graceful arching canes. I keep mine a moundy 4’x4’ by pruning back in early Spring and again in mid-Summer - which also increases the amount of blooms. Can also be pruned into a hedge! Not fussy about soil but an annual Springtime side-dress of compost makes for best show. DROUGHT TOLERANT once established! Reported by many to be deer resistant too. Grown on it own roots.