Introduced in 1904 & named for the Sweet Pea’s most famous patron, this is a rare color for sweet peas & one of the best in the red-orange spectrum! ‘Henry Eckford’ has a strong scent & the color pairs well with bright pink hottie ‘Annie B. Gilroy’ or even purple-blue ‘Lord Nelson’ if you can take the intensity! Blooms are a slightly salmon shade of orange-red & four to the stem. They’re slightly smaller, but you get far more numerous flowers over a longer period & greater heat tolerance. Like many sweet peas of this shade, strong sun will fade the color, so plant early or in a place that will receive a little afternoon shade when things start to heat up. Climbing to 6’ – provide support & keep deadheaded for longest bloom. Superb cut flowers, of course! Rich soil & roots in the shade for best show. Reseeds!