An attractive Super sweet variety for early harvesting, this new selection's 7-8” long ears have 16 rows of attractive bicolor kernels and a strong tip fill. It offers superior taste compared to the similar Catalyst and matures in a quick 70 days. It shows the strong emergence and seedling vigor required of early varieties. Plants top out at 6' tall and are rated 'Intermediate' for resistance to northern corn leaf blight. All this is to say this is one fine corn variety for that Sunday BBQ. Plant when soil temperature reaches 60º + F. Planting in blocks will also help increase uniformity in pollination. Corn needs about 1 inch of water a week, particularly when the stalks begin to tassel. Water stress during pollination will result in ears with missing kernels. Apply water at the soil surface by using a soaker hose or drip irrigation. Weed the area regularly so the developing corn does not compete with them.
Curious Plantsman